
Marcelo Amorin

Civil & Corporative Law


Marcelo is an associate consultant of the firm, with a wide experience in Private and Corporate Law. He is a well-known University professor, both nationally and abroad, being invited by Brazilian and Spanish Universities to teach classes in postgraduate courses. In addition, he has represented Uruguay in numerous national and international scientific events. Due to his specialty, he has a vast experience in contentious matters. Moreover, he has acted as a financial controller of associative entities, designated in such character by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Lawyer, (University of the Republic). Master in Business Law (University of Montevideo). Professor in charge of the courses of “General Theory of Contract and Civil Responsibility” (Obligations) and of “Contracts”, at the University of the Republic. Also, he is professor in charge of the course of Cooperative Law and national reference in the matter, having advised several Cooperatives, Cooperative Corporations and similar entities in various fields (consumption, savings and credits, health, etc.).

Outstanding articles in national publications:

Calamitous investments. Annulment solution and resolutory solution.

“The factoring contract in the Uruguayan Law “.

Civil protection of those affected by dire investments. Claim against the directors of the entities involved.

” Syndication agreements in commercial companies”.

“Good faith and responsibility of the supplier with regard to articles 32 and 33 of the Consumer Relations Law”.

“Living Trust”,

“Civil Liability of Directors of Public Limited Companies”,

” Pledge without transfer”.

“The environmental damage in Uruguayan Law”.

“Environmental damage, Concept, Causal Nexus and Inhibitory Guardianship”.

“Notes on the Uruguayan trust in relation to the concepts of norm, legal business, patrimony and fiduciary property”.

“Financial leasing. Comments on typicity and incidence of the law of consumer relations “.

“News of the content of the new General Law of Cooperatives “,

“The Structure of Organs in Cooperative Corporations”, Associative Cooperatives for sustainable development.

“The return of surpluses in the cooperatives of second degree in the Uruguayan law”, Associative Cooperatives for sustainable development.

” The User’s Housing Cooperatives. Consequences of the death or dissolution of the marriage or the concubinary union of the partners”.

“The law of financial inclusion imposes a non-existent means of payment, the crossed bill of exchange”.


Institute of Civil Law, University of the Republic.

Institute of Commercial Law, University of the Republic.

Uruguayan Bar Association.

Outstanding Publications


– “Shareholders Agreements in Commercial Companies – Analysis from the perspective of General Theory of Contract “, FCU, 2009.

– “Studies on Protection of Competition and Consumers Relations” Co-author, 2008.

– “Contracts of Public-Private Participation, Warranties on the projects of Public-Private Participation” Co-author, 2012.

– Collaborator at the update of Vol. XVIII of the Treaty of Uruguayan Civil Law of Prof. Jorge Gamarra, FCU, 2006.

– Cooperative Societies – Cooperative Law and System, La Ley, 201.

Articles in international publications:

  • Argentina:

– “Personal components of the Syndication Agreements in the Commercial Companies. Modern Private Law Study”, La Persona, Protección Patrimonial y Personal Homenaje al Dr. Julio Cesar Rivera, Coordinador Dario J. Graziabille.

– “The Uruguayan Project of Law of Competitions and Corporate Reorganization”, Revista de Derecho Comparado, vol. 14, “Reformas concursales”, Rubinzal – Culzoni, 2008

– “Civil Liability of the Directors of Public Limited Companies. The Attribution Factor “, Revista de Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones (2008), Lexis Nexis

  • Italy

– “Buona fede e responsabilitá del presessionista nella legge sul rapporto di consumo” Anno IV, no. 3 2016- Le Corti Umbre Quadrimestral de giurisprudenza, dottrina e leggislaziones regionale.

  • Spain:
    – “Abuso de Posición Dominante e Imposición de Precios”, Derecho Privado Respondabilidad y Consumo, José Luis Pérez Serrabona González (Director) F. Javier Pérez Serrabona González (Coordinador). Ed. Aranzadi 2018



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