
Ignacio Zubillaga

Labour/Social Security Law


Ignacio forms part of the Labor Law Department as an associate lawyer. He specializes in Labor Law and Social Security, with wide experience in the litigation area and in the provision of consultancy services on labor law and social security. Coordinator of the American Section of Young Scholarships of the International Society for Labor and Social Security Law. Professor of Labor Law and Social Security and Labor Relations Degree in Faculty of Law, University of the Republic.

Lawyer, (University of the Republic). He has wide experience in the provision of consultancy services on individual and collective labor law and in the area of litigation. In addition, he has specialized in special social security contributions and labor income tax. He has taken part in several due diligence and company restructuring processes, and has taught courses on his specialty to senior staff members of various companies. He teaches “Labor and Social Security Law” at Law School, “Union Movement History” and “Cinema, Work and Labor Relations” of the B.A. Degree in Labor Relations, both at University of the Republic. Currently attending a Master’s Degree course on Labor Law and Social Security at the Law School, University of the Republic.


• Member of the Uruguayan Labor and Social Security Association (ex – Secretary)

• Member of the Uruguayan Law and Social Security Institute

• Member of the Uruguayan Bar Association

• Member of ex Bologna-Castilla la Mancha ex Scholars Group

• Member of the Drafting Committee of the specialized Journal “Latin American Studies of Labour Relationships and Social Protection”, Ed. Cinca, Madrid.


• Selected Coordinator of the American Section of Young Scholarships of the International Society for Labor and Social Security Law, 2019

• Recognized by Chambers and Partners Latina America as notable labor lawyer, 2019.

• Invited as an international speaker at the IV Seminar on International Law: New Latina American constitutionalism, organized by the Cooperative University, Pasto – Colombia, 2017.

• Appointed official commentator by the International Society for Labor and Social Security on “The Role of Jurisprudence in the Fight against Discrimination at Work” at the IX Regional Congress of the Americas on Labor and Social Security Law, Guayaquil – Ecuador, September 2013.

• Rapporteur for the Uruguayan report on the same topic for the referred Conference.

Main publications

• “The right to non-discrimination based on advanced age in Uruguay”, 2018

• “Neo constitutionalism and Labor Law in Uruguay”, 2018.

• “Reconciliation of family and working life”, 2017

• “News, problems and perspectives of journal limitation, intermediate breaks and overtime”, 2015

• “Union movement challenges. A historical and current view”, 2013

• “Discriminatory dismissals and reinstatement. Brief analysis of Uruguayan jurisprudence”, 2011


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