
Carolina Sarroca

Labor Law / Social Security Law


Carolina has a vast experience in employment and social security compliance law, for national and multinational companies, providing legal regular consultancy and assisting in litigation labor matters.

Lawyer (University of the Republic). Between other main experiences, she participates and assess in reorganization and restructure of businesses, regarding labor and social security aspects. Experience in internal company audits, and due diligence procedures concerning purchase – sale of companies.

Additionally, she has focused on legal counselling to Companies regarding labor and social security law in construction and metallurgic sector.

Among other services of consultancy, it is highlighted the assessment of foreign companies in relation to its registration in Uruguay in order to render its services in the country, particularly in labor, social security and migration aspects of hired personnel.

Moreover, she has developed multiple workshops (in – house and open to public) that intend to train managers and mid-level workers in labor and social security law, providing skills on various related subjects.
Rendering studies for master degree in Employment and Social Security Law in Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University Republic of Uruguay.

Recognized by Chambers & Partners Latin America as notable lawyer on labor field for the year 2019.


Member of “Uruguay Labor and Social Security Association”

Member of study group of employment and social security law: “La Ventana”
Member of Section of Young Lawyers in Uruguay


• “Outsourcing and its consequences for the social security from a human rights perspective” Co-author, 2019

• “Thinking in the future of labor law: balance between work and private life.” Co-author, 2018

• “Health data and its impact in labor relationships: legal regulation in Uruguay.” Co-author, 2018

• “The alternative solution (judicial and extrajudicial) of employment conflicts: settlement agreements, waiver of employment rights, application of labor rights.” Co-author, 2017

• “Transportation benefit in the construction industry.” Co-author. CADE newsletter, 2016.

• National Report “Realization of rights and freedoms contained in international labor and social security standards in Uruguay”. Uruguayan Report included in studies of comparative law “Labor Law and Social Security Law at the crossroads. Focused on international labor law standards and social reforms”, Charles University, Czech Republic, 2016.

• “Labor relations and employment law in Uruguay.” Section Latinamerican Young Lawyers of Labor and Social Security Law, 2013.

• Contributor in the Yearbook of labor jurisprudence – years 2017 and 2018 – .

• Contributor in Doing Business Project World Bank, labor matters, since 2016.


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